
Schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015
Schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015

schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015

Furthermore, feminine and masculine characteristics are associated with specific sports (e.g., gymnastics is more suitable for women and rugby for men) (Flores et al 2020). For example, men and women are only eligible to participate in binary gender categories. Historically, competitive sports reinforce traditional gender roles through various applications (McClearen 2022 Flores et al 2020).

schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015

It’s widely accepted in academia that transgender women face far more criticism than transgender men and cisgender individuals however, upon reviewing the literature, there has been a minimal initiative to address the inequality transgender women experience. Given this widespread argument, research that seeks to understand the biological differences between individuals competing in female categories has been a significant area of study (Bianchi 2017 Flores et al 2020 Hilton & Lundberg 2020 Luther 2021). The primary argument against transgender women is that they inherently pose an unfair advantage over cisgender women due to supplemental testosterone levels, physical composition, and strength (Bianchi 2017 Jones et al 2020 McClearen 2022). There is a considerable amount of research accessible that pertains to the challenges that transgender women face the detrimental effects these challenges have on their psychological health. Keywords: Transgender, Fairness, Bills and Laws, Patriarchal society, and Heterosexual norms. 5 The Gendered Challenges for Transgender Women in Sports

Schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015