
Linq timekeeper app
Linq timekeeper app

Those methods that return a singleton value (for example, Average and Sum) execute immediately. The standard query operators differ in the timing of their execution, depending on whether they return a singleton value or a sequence of values. The Queryable class defines two similar methods, Cast(IQueryable) and OfType(IQueryable), that operate on objects of type IQueryable.

linq timekeeper app

They do this by creating a strongly typed collection of objects. These methods, Cast(IEnumerable) and OfType(IEnumerable), let you enable a non-parameterized, or non-generic, collection to be queried in the LINQ pattern. The Enumerable type defines two such methods that both operate on objects of type IEnumerable. In addition, several standard query operator methods operate on types other than those based on IEnumerable or IQueryable. Extension methods can be called by using either static method syntax or instance method syntax. They are defined as extension methods of the type that they operate on. The methods that make up each set are static members of the Enumerable and Queryable classes, respectively. There are two sets of LINQ standard query operators: one that operates on objects of type IEnumerable, another that operates on objects of type IQueryable.

linq timekeeper app

The standard query operators provide query capabilities including filtering, projection, aggregation, sorting and more. Most of these methods operate on sequences, where a sequence is an object whose type implements the IEnumerable interface or the IQueryable interface. The standard query operators are the methods that form the LINQ pattern.

Linq timekeeper app